2012年12月6日 星期四


周六隨 Simon 到米埔行了半天,拍了十數照片。


鸕鶿主要分佈在滿佈高聳樹林編號9-15號的基圍裡。繁殖於北方的鸕鶿,冬季 10月下旬至次年3月底南遷米埔避寒,這裡絕大多數屬於普通鸕鶿。全身黑色帶深灰藍,喉嚨部白色,眼睛碧綠色,臉部裸露的皮膚為黃色,屬大型群聚性鳥種, 體長82公分。善泳、潛水,每當魚群被倒入池中,群體會全部往同一方向前進潛入水中以來回尋覓或繞圈子圍捕魚類,在賞鳥屋5-10公尺的距離可以看到活魚 吞食秀,長達20公分的活魚被大群鸕鶿搶奪、吞食。飽食後,水面起飛助呈縱列群飛至周圍樹梢或土堤上停棲休息,休息時會揮動雙翅瀝乾身上的水分,也常張開 大嘴,達到散熱的目的。1月中旬後,成鳥漸換上繁殖羽,頭、頸部兩側會長出細密稍長白色絲狀羽,下脅部則出現大片白斑(雌雄皆同),3月間在棲枝上以長頸 相互摩擦求愛,並伴隨頭、尾同時上翹,喉部鼓動鳴叫的動作。


2 則留言:

  1. Mr Lee,
    Wonderful pics.
    I have subscribed to this blog for 1-2 years.
    And I have put RSS (auto-feed) onto it: Thus, Google automatically transfers your new posts to my account every day.
    Everytime when I view your new post, I am ...speechless with delight at your rich talent and, of course, with so much envy as well, for your serene moments of retirement.
    Jeffrey (F.1E, 1979)

    1. Dear Jeffrey,

      Thanks for viewing them, and hope through all these will give viewer a sense of wonder that leads to peace, love and joy. Thanks again for your support and sharing your feelings as well.

      Lee sir
