2014年7月29日 星期二

石澳大戲台 (4) 彩雲如塔



3 則留言:

  1. Hi Mr Lee,
    The pics are stunning. Thanks.
    But I am curious....Did you use any Special Photo Effects, which are widely common across cameras today?
    Email : jeffreycschow@gmail.com

  2. What I mean is: As far as I know, cameras can accentuate the tones of colours and bring about stronger contrasts.
    Or did you ...use any follow-up effects, such as Photoshop?

    1. Dear Jeffrey,

      I mainly used the "shadow protection bar" to "affect" the pics so that the things hide in the "dark" can be seen eventually. And for the rest, it is shown as they are. Some times the seemingly different color scheme of the two pics taken almost at the same time are due to the two different brands of cameras used(white balance varies).
      I was overwhelmed by the beauty unfolded before me in some of the glorious mornings. Yes, it is really stunning, as you said. Thanks for your queries.

      Lee sir
